* MC Record   # Sectional Record  % NCC Record  @Pool Record



21.16 Devon Hill  2009*State Prelim & Finals(4th)

21.28 Bradley Bowman   1994*  State Finals   2nd

21.38 Devon Hill      2009   #@

21.57 Bradley Bowman   1994*

21.65 Devon Hill   2007

21.69  Tim Miller  2011 Sect. Champ#@

                             2011 State Prelim (20th)

21.72 Bradley Bowman   1994* # @  Sect. Champion

21.78 Devon Hill  2008

21.85 Bradley Bowman   1993*  State 9th

21.88 Bradley Bowman  1993 State Prelim

21.90 Rob Coombes   2 006

            Devon Hill  2008

21.91 Devon Hill  2009  Zionsville Invit. 2nd

21.92 David Hughes     1992*  State Prelim

21.92 Devon Hill       2006        

21.98 Greg Sissel      1990*  State Prelim

          Devon Hill        2009

22.01 Kyle Kerrigan         2006

22.07 Luke Crawley     1997  Sect. Champion

22.10 Rob Coombes    2006

22.13  Devon Hill  2008  Hall of Fame Championship 2nd

22.14  Andrew Dowdle  2014  Jay Co. Sectional Champion

22.16 Tim Miller 2011 NCC Champ

22.19  Andrew Dowdle  2013  Sectional Champion

22.20  BJ Bowman  1994  NCC Prelim

22.22 Devon Hill  2009 v. Highland

22.24  Andrew Dowdle  2013  29th IHSAA State Prelims

22.26 Tim Miller  2010 State Prelim

22.27  Greg Sissel  1990 Sect. Champion *

             Luke Crawley  1995  State  12th

22.29  Andrew Dowdle  2014  State Finals  30th

22.31  BJ Bowman  1993  Sect.  3rd

22.32  David Hughes  1991 State prelim 22nd

            David Hughes   1992  Sect.  2nd

            Andrew Dowdle  2014  NCC Champ

22.34  BJ Bowman  1994 NCC Champ

22.35 Adam Fero        1990*

22.41  Cameron Ottinger  2015  Jay Co. Sect. 4th

22.45 Tim Miller    2010  Sectional Champion

22.48 Kyle Kerrigan     2005

22.54  Luke Crawley   1996

22.55 David Hughes  1991

           Evan Witte       2000

22.58 Tim Miller  2010

22.60 Rob Coombes    2005 

22.61 Devon Hill   2009   V. JC

22.64  BJ Bowman  1993 Sect. Prelim

22.65  Greg Sissel  1990  Sect. Prelim

22.68 Andrew Dowdle 2013  NCC Champ    

22.71 Gordon Heck      1997

22.74 Alex Golden   2004

22.78  Andrew Dowdle  2013 Sect. Prelim

22.80 Walker Marsh     1989*

            Luke Crawley  1997  NCC Champion

22.82 Andrew Dowdle  2012 4th Sect.

22.86 Josh Jones       1995

22.87 Ryan Bowman      1998

22.92  Chase Koontz      2008

22.94 Chris Taylor     1999

23.00 Daniel Proctor   2010 v. Delta

23.02 Luke Crawley    1996

          Adam Cairns      1997

23.04 Tim Miller  2011  v. JC

 Cameron Ottinger  2015  Jay Co. Sect. Prelim

          23.05 Dan Leaird       1983*

            Luke Crawley  1995  Sect.

23.06 Tim Miller  2010  v. YHS

            Tim Miller  2011  Zionsville Invit. 3rd

23.07   Chase Clasby  2016  Sect.  6th

23.13 Daniel Proctor  2009  v. Heritage Christian

23.14 Michael Pinger  96  Sect.  5th

23.16  Chase Koontz  2008

23.20 Tom Perrin       1968*

           Greg Howard      1987

23.07 Nick Rundell     1998

23.22  Andrew Dowdle  2013 Zionsville Invit.

23.23 Alex Golden   2003

23.25 Andrew Dowdle  2014  Warsaw  Invit. 2nd

23.28  Carter McClure  2011

23.29  Josh Jones  1994  Sect.

23.30  Andrew Dowdle  2012 (2nd NCC)

23.31  Cameron Ottinger  2014  Warsaw Invit.

23.32 John Marshall    89

            Adam Parks  2011

23.35 Mike Pinger      1995

            Daniel Proctor  2009  v. Heritage Christian

23.36 Tim Miller  2011  v. Richmond

23.38 Tim Miller  2011 v. Delta

23.40 Craig Miller    1999

          Nathan Bowman    1992

          Alex Golden     2002

          Daniel Proctor  2009   v. JC

23.42 Pat Samuels      89

23.46  Dylan Rowe  09

23.47  Andrew Dowdle  2013  v. Delta

23.49  Adam Parks  2011

23.50 Phil Johnson     1963*

         Jeff Stephens    1977

23.51  Cullen Tyler  2015  v. Huntington North

23.56 Dale Mallon    1971

23.57Marcus Dial    2002

23.59 Evan Witte       1999

23.60 Tom Parker       1978

23.61 Tim Miller  2010  v. Richmond

23.62 Daniel Proctor  2010  v. Kokomo / Anderson 2nd

23.64 Geoff Kallen       1996

23.66 James Chad Miller      1991

23.66 Drew Toivonen    1994

23.70 Tony Shaw        1980

23.71 Dan Macedo       1992

23.73 Josh Dobbs       1990

23.74 Brad Tucker      1993

23.75 Daniel Proctor  2011  v. PH

23.81 Chris Taylor     1997

23.81 Mike Tucker      1987

          Evan Witte     1999

23.83  Chase Clasby  2015  Jay Co. Sect. Prelim

23.84  Geoff Kallen  1997  NCC  6th

23.87 Dan Griffey      1995

23.88  Jacob Carmichael  2013  Sectional  9th

           Chase Clasby  2015  Jay Co. Sect. 8th

23.90 Joe Glancy       1978

          Carter McClure     2010

23.92 Sam Murray       2000 

            Carter McClure  2011    

            Adam Parks  2011  v. NC  

23.93 Alan Hamm        1994

23.96  Zach Haller  2011  v. MS

24.00 Michael Hagans     1997

24.00 Chris Haisley    1980

           Donald Hollensbe  1984 Richmond Sect.  11th

24.05 Matt Bowman       1993

24.08 Don Hollensbe    1983

24.09 Michael Hagans  1997  v. JC

24.10 George Irving    1978

24.11 Mike Smitson     1990

          Chase Clasby  2016  NCC

24.16 Ryan Greene      1992

24.16 Steve Porter     1979

24.18  Dylan Rowe  2008 Hall of Fame Championship  15th

24.29 Jacob Carmichael  2012  9th Sect.

           Eric Redfield  2024  3rd Sect.

24.30 Spencer Gilbert    1979

          Nathan Bowman  1990 Sect. Preliim

24.35 Bryan Clements     1980

24.40 Eric Hole        1978

24.40 Tom Twinning     1978

24.43 Kelly Hiatt      1994

24.45  Chase Clasby  2014  Jay Co. Sectional 7th

24.46 Sam Murray       1999

24.51 Chris Hunter     1993

24.59 Herman Brooks    1991

24.87 Chris Taylor  1997  NCC 12th

100 FREE

46.40 Adam Fero    1990   State Prelim*  

46.83  Adam Fero  1990  State Finals  4th

46.86 Devon Hill       2009 State Prelims

47.01 Adam Fero  1991 State Prelim

47.07 Devon Hill       2009    State Conso.(9th)

47.18 Adam Fero  1991  State Finals 5th

47.83 Devon Hill        2008 %

47.88 Devon Hill        2009

47.96  Adam Fero  1989  State Conso. 12th *

48.05  Alec Hale  2016  Jay County Sectional 2nd

48.11 Devon Hill        2009

48.15  Andrew Dowdle  2014  Jay Co. Sectional 2nd

48.24  Andrew Dowdle  2013 Sectional Champion

48.33  David Hughes  1992  State Prelim

48.47  Andrew Dowdle  2013  26th  IHSAA State Prelim

48.50 Kyle Kerrigan         2006

48.64 Adam Fero   1989  State  Prelim

48.65 Nick Rundell     1998   LO

48.74 Greg Sissel      1989*

48.78 Devon Hill  2009 Zionsville Invit.  2nd

48.91  Alec Hale  2016  Jay County Sectional Prelim

48.92  Devon Hill   2007  State Finals 25th

48.95 Devon Hill       2006

49.08  Adam Fero  1989  Richmond Sectional Champion

49.15  Adam Fero  1990  Sect. Prelim

49.16 Luke Crawley     1997  Jay Co. Sect. Champion

            Daniel Proctor  2009  v. YHS

49.23 Walker Marsh     1989*

49.29  David Hughes  1992  Sect.  3rd

49.31  Adam Fero 1991 Richmond Sect.

            Andrew Dowdle  2014 NCC Champ

49.33  David Hughes  1991  State Prelims  23rd

49.36  Andrew Dowdle  2013 Sect. Prelim

49.37 Bradley Bowman   1994

49.42 Daniel Proctor   2009  v. YHS 

49.43 Ryan Bowman      1998

            Devon Hill  2009  v. Highland

            Andrew Dowdle 2013 NCC Champ

49.59  Alec Hale  NCC Champion

49.61 David Hughes  1991  Richmond Sect.

49.64 Rob Coombes  2006

49.80 Andrew Dowdle  2012  3rd Sect.

49.86 Craig Miller    1999

50.00 Devon Hill  2009  v. Anderson

50.05 Pat Samuels      1990

50.09  Alec Hale  2014  Warsaw Invit.

50.10 Gordon Heck      1997

50.21 Evan Witte       2000

50.37  Luke Crawley  1997  NCC  3rd

             Daniel Proctor  2010 v. Richmond

50.42 Andrew Dowdle  2012  Sect. Prelim.

50.44  Alec Hale  2015  NCC LO

50.54 Josh Jones       1995

50.66  Lukas Bradford  2015 Jay Co. Sect. 3rd

50.78 Kyle Kerrigan    2005

          Alec Hale  2015  v. Huntington North

50.79  Andrew Dowdle  2013 Zionsville Invit.

50.80 Nick Rundell     1997

50.89  Luke Crawley  1995  Sect.  3rd

51.02 Daniel Proctor  2010  v. PH

51.05 Tim Miller  2011  v. YHS

51.09 Mike Tucker      1989

51.16  Andrew Dowdle  2012 (NCC)

51.21 Mike Pinger      1996

51.29 Gordon Heck      1995

51.31  Luke Crawley  1995

51.39 Tim Miller  2011  v. JC

           Lukas Bradford  2014 Jay Co. Sectional 5th

51.40 Dan Griffey      1995

          Tom Perrin       1968*

51.44 Alex Golden    2004

51.47  Andrew Dowdle  2011

51.50 Phil Johnson  1963*

51.64 Luke Crawley  1996  Sect. 6th

51.69 Alec Hale  2015 v. Jay Co.

51.71 Mike Hughes      1988

           Andrew Dowdle  2014  Warsaw  Invit.  4th

51.75 John Marshall    1989

51.80 Adam Cairns      1997

51.83 Nathan Bowman    1992

51.85 Drew Toivonen    1993

51.90 Spencer Gilbert    1978

           Lukas Bradford  2015  Jay Co. Sect. Prelim

51.91  Josh Jones  1993

            Adam Parks  2011

51.94  Chase Koontz  2008

51.96  Zach Haller  2011  v. MS

52.00 Daniel Proctor  2011  v. PH

52.05 Chase Koontz  2008

             Adam Parks  2011  NCC

52.11 Michael Hagans   1997

52.18 Chris Haisley    1979

52.20 Dan Leaird       1983

            Pat Sammuels  1990 Sect. Prelim

52.26   Treysen Michalini  2024  2nd Sect.

52.34 Josh Dobbs       1990

          Zach Haller     2010

52.35 Luke Crawley  1994 Sect.

52.36 Scott Risk       1981

52.52  Carter McClure  2011 NCC

52.54 Tim Miller   2010

52.57 Rob Coombes  2005

52.63 Mark Custer      1997

52.67 Alex Golden    2002

52.70 Tony Shaw        1980

52.71 Dan Macedo       1992

          Dylan Rowe      2009

52.79 Carter McClure  2010

52.90 George Irving    1978

52.90 Tom Parker       1978

52.91 Mike Smitson     1990

52.92  Tony Shaw  1980 Richmond Sect. 8th

53.01 James Chad Miller    1991

          JP Dowdle    2010

53.09 Dylan Rowe  2008

53.15 Evan Witte    1999

53.20 JP Dowdle  2010  v. Kokomo

53.21 Drew Toiivlion  1993 Sect. Prelim

            Zach Haller  2009  v. MS

53.30 Anthony Ellison  1995

53.30 Steve Porter     1979

53.38  Jacob Carmichael  2013 Sectional 10th

53.42  Cameron Ottinger  2013  v. South

53.44 Adam Parks  2011  v. Richmond

53.50 Chris Taylor      1999

53.50 Ryan Greene      1992

53.50 Joe Glancy       1979

53.58 Evan Witte    1999

53.59 Lance Ottinger     1986

53.62  Chase Clasby  2016  NCC

53.69  Josh Jones  1993 Sect.

53.71 Geoff Kallen     1996

53.76 Eric Ottinger     1987

53.91 Andy Stokes      1992

53.92  Raekwon Dorsey  2015 Jay Co. Sect. Prelim

53.78 Michael Hagans  1997 v. JC

54.01 Don Hollensbe    1984

54.04 Adam Parks  2011  Zionsville Invit. 2nd

54.13 Carter McClure  2011  v. Delta

54.27  Geoff Kallen  1997  NCC  

54.36  Daniel Proctor  2009  v. Anderson

54.48 Jacob Carmichael  2012  Sect. Prelim

55.07  Chase Clasby  2015 Zionsville Invitational

55.43 Adam Parks  2011  V.  NC



200 FREE

1:42.47  Alec Hale  2016  State Prelim *

1:43.05 Ryan Bowman     1998* State Prelim   

1:43.16   Alec Hale  2017  12th  IHSAA State Finals

 1:46.38  Alec Hale  2017  Jay County Sectional Champion

1:43.66  Alec Hale   2016  Jay County Sectional Champion #    

1:43.44  Alec Hale   2016  State Finals(14th)     

1:43.99 Adam Fero       1990*  State Prelim

1:44.24  Adam Fero 1990 State Finals  4th

1:44.38  Adam Fero 1991  State Finals 7th

1:44.54 Adam Fero 1991 State Prelim

1:44.72 Ryan Bowman    1998  State Finals 8th

1:45.97  Adam Fero  1989  State Prelim

1:46.38  Alec Hale  2017  State Prelim

1:46.51 Ryan Bowman     1998  Sectional Champion 

1:46.60  Adam Fero  1989 State Conso. 13th

               Alec Hale  2014  State Prelims  30th

1:46.62  Alec Hale  2015  State Prelims  29th

1:47.09 Adam Fero  1989   Richmond Sectional Champion

1:47.11  Alec Hale  2016  Jay County Sectional Prelim

1:47.47 Adam Fero 1991 Richmond Sect. 2nd

1:47.72  Alec Hale  2015 Jay Co. Sectional Champion

1:47.85  Alec Hale  2nd  NCC

1:47.98 Daniel Proctor    2009

1:48.10  Alec Hale  2014 Jay Co. Sectional Champion

1:48.51  Daniel Proctor  2008

1:48.84 JP Dowdle    2009   2nd Sectional

1:48.85  Daniel Proctor   2008

1:48.92 Daniel Proctor  2008  v. YHS

1:49.25  Alec Hale  2017  Jay Co. Sectional Prelim

1:49.28  Ryan Bowman  1998  Sect. Prelim

1:49.36  Alec Hale  2014  NCC Champ

1:49.50  JP Dowdle  2010 State Prelims

1:49.75  JP Dowdle 2011 3rd Sect.

1:49.77  Daniel Proctor  2008 Hall of Fame Championship 2nd

1:50.21 Alec Hale  2015 NCC

1:50.36  JP Dowdle 2011  NCC

1:50.62 Gordon Heck      1997

1:50.20  Alec Hale  2015  Zionsville Invitational

1:50.67  Alec Hale  2015  Jay Co. Sect. Prelim

1:50.74  JP Dowdle  2010  Sectional Champion

1:50.79 Walker Marsh     1989*

1:50.82 Nick Rundell     1997

1:50.83  Adam Fero  1990 Sect. Prelim

1:51.19 Daniel Proctor  2008  v. NC

1:51.27  Alec Hale 2014 Jay Co. Sectional Prelim

1:51.32 Craig Miller    1999

1:51.40 Bradley Bowman   1993

1:51.50 Josh Dobbs       1990

1:51.52 Dan Griffey      1995  Sect.  4th

1:51.58  JP Dowdle  2010

1:51.70  Alec Hale  2014  Warsaw Invit.

1:51.74 Craig Miller   1999 Sect

1:51.98 Daniel Proctor  2009  v. Anderson Highland

1:52.23  Jimmy Carnes  2008

1:52.46  JP Dowdle    2009

1:52.60 Spencer Gilbert   1979*

1:52.62 Nick Rundell   1996  Sect.  6th

1:52.62 Zach Haller  2011 v. Richmond

1:52.73 Daniel Proctor  2008 v. Greenfield C.

1:52.84 Devon Hill  2009  v. Anderson

1:52.91 Zach Haller  2011  v. JC

1:52.92  Nick Rundell  1997  NCC  4th

1:53.01 Greg Sissel      1990

1:53.10 David Hughes     1990

1:53.20 Scott Risk       1982

1:53.39  Nick Rundell  1996  Sect. Prelim

1:53.67 Daniel Proctor  2008 v. Hunt.

1:53.78 Daniel Proctor  2009 v. Greenfield C.

1:54.02 Daniel Proctor  2010  v. Richmond

1:54.22  David Hughes  1990 Sect. Prelim

1:54.32 Brian Scherrer   2000

1:53.39 Stephen Purtlebaugh   2009

1:54.02 Daniel Proctor   2010  v. Richmond

1:54.16  Gordon Heck  1995  Sect. Prelim

1:54.21 Mason Jones  2012  2nd Sect.

1:54.23  David Hughes  1990  Sect. Prelim

1:54.58  JP Dowdle  2011  v. YHS

1:54.57 Mike Tucker      1989

               Daniel Proctor  2009  v. Huntington North

1:54.79 Daniel Proctor  2011  v. MS

1:54.84  Mason Jones  2011

1:54.88 David DeKeyser   1991

1:54.90 Chris Haisley    1980

1:55.00  Spencer Gilbert  1978*

1:55.09 Alec Hale  2014  Warsaw  Invit.  6th

1:55.11  Clark Tinder  2015  Jay Co. Sect.  7th

1:55.20 George Irving    1978*

1:55.27  JP Dowdle      2008

1:55.60 Tom Perrin       1968*

1:55.61 Luke Crawley     1995

1:55.98 JP Dowdle  2009  Zionsville Invit. 4rth

1:56.44  Andrew Dowdle  2013  v. South

1:56.45 Brian Scherrer  1999

1:56.59 Stephen Purtlebaugh  2009

1:56.60 Spence Gilbert  1978

1:56.66 JP Dowdle  2011  v. Richmond

1:56.78 JP Dowdle  2010  v. Kokomo

1:56.87 Nathan Bowman    1992

1:56.95 Zach Haller   2010

1:56.96 Josh Jones       1995

1:57.10 Tom Parker       1978

1:57.14 JP Dowdle  2010  v. Delta

1:57.27 Michael Hagans    1997

1:57.35 JP Dowdle  2011  Zionsville Invit.  3rd

1:57.39 Mark Custer      1997  v. JC

1:57.49 Cullen Tyler  2015  v. Jay Co.

1:57.51 JP Dowdle  2011  v. NC

1:57.69 Matt Bowman      1993

1:57.67 Kerry Hiatt      1994

1:57.81 Michael Hagans  1997  NCC 8th

1:57.85 Tom Parker  1978  Connersville Sect. Conso.

1:58.15  JP Dowdle    2008

1:58.18  Clark Tinder  2015  Jay Co. Sect. Prelim

1:58.40  Jack Lewis     1965*

1:58.41 Pat Samuels      1990

1:58.49  Mike Tucker  1989  v. JC

1:58.57 Barron Gillon   1998

1:58.58 Scott Keyton     1990

1:58.59  Cullen Tyler  2013 v. Delta

1:58.82 Adam Cairns      1998

1:58.25  Treysen Michalini  2024  4th Sect,

1:59.25  Stephen Purtlebaugh    2008

1:59.33  Mason Jones  2012 NCC

1:59.39  Mason Jones  2011  NCC

1:59.35 David Barrett    1990

1:59.40  Kerry Hiatt  1993 Sect.

1:59.60 Carl Benham     1964*

1:59.67 John Bowles      1996

1:59.91  Clark Tinder  2016  NCC

2:00.19 Mike Hughes      1988

2:00.47 Cory Martin      1995

2:00.61 Jerry Smith      1985

2:00.70 Dave Crampton    1977

2:00.80  Clark Tinder  2014 Jay Co. Sectional  6th

2:01.08 Steve Wickcliffe   1982

2:01.24 Scott Springman    1995


500 FREE

4:42.88  Ryan Bowman     1998  4th in State*

4:44.30  Ryan Bowman      1998   State Prelims

4:52.11  Alec Hale  2015  State Prelim  28th

4:53.83  Ryan Bowman  1998  Sectional Champion

4:54.57  Alec Hale  2014  State Finals  29th

4:54.70  JP Dowdle   2009  Sectional Champion

4:56.23  Alec Hale  2014  Jay Co. Sectional Champion

4:56.30  Alec Hale  2015 Jay Co. Sectional Champion

4:56.96  JP Dowdle  2011 State Prelim(28th)

4:57.23  Ryan Bowman  1998  Sect. Prelim

4:57.60  JP Dowdle  2010  State Prelims

4:57.89  Daniel Proctor    2008 v. PH

4:58.05 JP Dowdle       2009   State Prelims

4:59.22  Alec Hale  2014  NCC Champ

4:59.52 JP Dowdle   2010 Sectional Champion

5:00.12  Daniel Proctor    2008 v. YHS

5:00.24  JP Dowdle  2011 Sect. Champion

5:00.63  JP Dowdle       2009

5:01.10 Adam Fero        1991 *

5:01.63  Danel Proctor  2008 v. PH

5:03.28 Bradley Bowman     1994

5:04.64  JP Dowdle  2011 NCC

5:05.00 Walker Marsh     1988 *

5:05.14 Zach Haller  2011  v. Delta

5:05.43  JP Dowdle   2010

5:06.20 Spencer Gilbert    1979 *

5:06.98  Alec Hale  2014  Jay Co. Sect. Prelim

5:07.32 Gordon Heck      1996

5:07.35  JP Dowdle    2010

5:08.35  Daniel Proctor  2010 v. Hunt.

5:08.90  Gordon Heck  1997 v. JC

5:09.04  JP Dowdle    2008

5:09.09  Daniel Proctor  2008  v. Delta

5:09.79  Clark Tinder  2016  Jay County Sectional  2nd

5:10.07 David Hughes     1992

5:11.15 Nick Rundell    1998

5:11.93 Zach Haller    2010  v. Delta

5:12.26 Brian Scherrer     2000

5:12.31  Mason Jones    2011

5:12.66  Alec Hale  2015 Jay Co. Sect. Prelim

5:12.78 JP Dowdle  2009  Zionsville Invit. 3rd

5:13.03 Zach Haller  2010  v. Kokomo

5:13.60 Stephen Purtlebaugh    2009

5:13.95 David DeKeyser     1991

5:14.01 Scott Risk       1982

               Alec Hale  2014  Warsaw Invit. 5th

5:14.28  JP Dowdle    2008

5:14.85 Nick Rundell     1996

5:14.75 Daniel Proctor  2009   v. PH

5:15.14 JP Dowdle  2010  v. Richmond

               JP Dowdle  2010 v. MS

5:15.56 JP Dowdle  2009  v. JC

5:15.77 Luke Crawley     1995

5:16.60 Chris Haisley    1980*

5:16.61 Greg Sissel      1989

5:17.12  Clark Tinder  2015 Jay Co. Sectional 4th

5:17.78 Brain Scherrer    1999

5:18.13 Daniel Proctor  2011  v. NC

5:18.14 Mason Jones  2011  v. JC

5:18.71 Daniel Proctor  2009  v. Anderson

5:19.40 George Irving      1978

5:19.41  David Hughes  1990  Sect. Prelim

5:19.96 Mason Jones  2012  2nd Sect.

5:20.66 Brain Scherrer    1999

5:21.21 Mason Jones  2011 NCC

5:21.33 Josh Jones       1994

5:22.34 Nathan Bowman    1992

5:22.36 JP Dowdle  2011 v. Richmond

5:22.79 JP Dowdle  2011  Zionsville Invit.  5th

5:22.95 Dan Griffey      1995

5:22.95 Tony Brewer      1980

5:23.23 Kerry Hiatt      1994

5:24.03 Barron Gillon   1998

5:24.34 John Bowles      1995

5:24.88 Matt Bowman      1993

5:25.20  Clark Tinder  2015  Jay Co. Sect. Prelim

5:25.34 Stephen Purtlebaugh    2008

5:25.37  Mason Jones  2012  NCC

5:25.40  Mason Jones  2012  Sect. Prelim

5:25.54  Chris Hailsley   1978 Connersville Sect. Conso.

5:25.65  Clark Tinder  2016  Jay County Sectional Prelim

5:26.92  Cullen Tyler  2013  v. South

5:27.78  Kerry Hiatt     1993   Sect.

5:27.85 Brian Scherrer  1998

5:26.56 Josh Dobbs       1990

5:26.75 Scott Keyton     1989

5:26.80 Cullen Tyler  2015  v. Jay Co.

5:28.09 Adam Cairns      1997

5:28.52  Scott Risk  1980 Richmond Sect. 7th

5:28.80 Curt Lephart       1978

5:29.20 George Irving  1977*

5:29.25 Mike Tucker      1989

5:29 28 Eric Ottinger      1988

5:29.50 Dave Crampton    1977*

5:29.59 Andrew Payne     1995

5:30.71  Lukas Bradford  2015  v. Huntington North

5:31.43 Jason Leffler    1989

5:31.55  Brock McCoy  2017  7th  Jay Co. Sectional

5:32.13 David Barrett    1990

5:32.28  Clark Tinder  2016  NCC

5:32.81 Don Hollensbe    1984

5:33.20 Michael Hagans  1997 NCC 10th

5:33.94 Mason Jones  2010

5:34.00 Kelly Hiatt      1993

5:34.03  Clark Tinder  2014  Jay Co. Sectional  7th

5:34.73 Joe Dugan        1996

5:35.39  Clark Tinder  2014  Jay Co. Sect. Prelim

5:35.51  Stephen Purtlebaugh    2008

5:35.99 Craig Miller     1999

5:36.14 Scott Springman    1995

5:36.66 Jasper Jamison 2015 Jay Co. Sect. Prelim

5:37.19 Steve Wickcliffe   1982

5:37.23  Brock McCoy  2017  Jay Co. Sectional Prelim

5:37.28  Mason Jones  2010

5:37.70 Tom Parker       1978

5:38.16 Alan Hamm        1992

5:49.83  Lucas Tyler  2024  Sect 8th

5:51.06  Clark Tinder  2014  NCC  7th

5:59.07  Brock McCoy  2016  NCC


200 IM

1:57.54 Daniel Proctor  2009* State Prelims(21)

1:57.63  Daniel Proctor  2011 State Prelim(20th)

1:58.06 Nick Rundell    1998 *  State 10th

1:58.46  Nick Rundell  1998 *  State Prelim

1:58.47 Daniel Proctor  2010 State Prelims

1:58.88 Daniel Proctor  2009  Jay County Sectional Champion #@

1:59.19  Daniel Proctor  2010  NCC  2nd

1:59.34 Walker Marsh    1989 *

1:59.39 Daniel Proctor  2010 Jay County Sectional Champion

1:59.41 Daniel Proctor  2008 #

2:00.19 Daniel Proctor  2009

2:00.25 Gordon Heck  1997 Jay County Sectional  Champion #

2:00.30 Gordon Heck     1997

2:00.42  Daniel Proctor  2011 Jay County Sectional Champion

2:00.92 Daniel Proctor  2009 Zionsville Invit. Champion

2:01.19  Dan Proctor  2011 NCC

2:01.55  Nick Rundell  1998 Sectional Champion

2:01.58  Gordon Heck  1997  NCC Champion

2:01.80 Daniel Proctor  2009  v. YHS

2:02.43  Lukas Bradford  2016  Jay County Sectional  2nd

2:02.77 Daniel Proctor  2010 Jay County sectional Prelim

2:02.84  Cameron Ottinger  2014  Jay Co. Sect.  2nd

2:02.87  Cullen Tyler  2013  30th IHSAA State Prelim

2:02.99 Daniel Proctor  2010  v. Delta

2:03.00 Adam Fero       1991

2:03.14 Daniel Proctor  2011  v. YHS

2:03.42  Lukas Bradford  2017  Jay County Sectional Champion

2:03.45 Daniel Proctor  2010  v. YHS

2:03.60  Lucas Bradford  2015 Jay Co. Sectioonal Champion

2:03.74 Daniel Proctor  2010 v. Hunt.

                                      2011 v. Zionsville Invit.  2nd

2:03.81  Lukas Bradford  2017  29th IHSAA State Finals

2:03.84 Adam Cairns     1997

2:03.95  Mitch Parmerlee    2009

2:04.30 Daniel Proctor  2008 v. Highland

2:04.07  Mitch Parmerlee    2008

2:04.36 Daniel Proctor  2009   v. NC

2:04.83 Ryan Bowman           1998

2:04.91 Gordon Heck    1996  Sect.  2nd

2:04.96  Cameron Ottinger  2014  NCC Champ

2:05.11 Daniel Proctor  2008 v. PH

2:05.18 Daniel Proctor  2009  Jay County Sectional Prelim

2:05.32 Daniel Proctor  2008 v. Delta

              Lucas Bradford  2015  State Prelims (31st)

2:05.40  Cullen Tyler  2013 Sectional Champion

2:05.54 Zach Haller  2011  v. NC

2:06.02 Zach Haller    2009

2:06.26  Nick Rundell  1998  Sect. Prelim

2:06.59 Jimmy Carnes    2007

2:06.60 Daniel Proctor  2011  v. Delta

2:06.73 Greg Sissel     1990

2:07.27 Bradley Bowman    1994

2:07.39 Daniel Proctor  2011  v. Richmond

2:07.46  Lukas Bradford  2017 Jay County Sectional Prelim

2:07.64 Zach Haller  2010

2:07.68 Nathan Bowman   1993  Sect. Prelim

2:07.71 Zach Haller  2010  v. Richmond

2:07.76  Gordon Heck  1996 Sect. Prelim

                Cameron Ottinger  2012  3rd Sect.

2:07.81 Lucas Bradford  2015  Jay Co. Sect. Prelim

2:07.92 Zach Haller  2010  v. Kokomo

2:08.06  Mitch Parmerlee  2008

2:08.08  Cullen Tyler 2013 Sect. Prelim

2:08.31  JP Dowdle  2011  v. JC

2:08.72  Cameron Ottinger  2014  Jay Co. Sect. Prelim

2:08.89 Daniel Proctor  2009 v. JC

2:08.91  Adam Fero  1989  v. JC

2:08.10 Spencer Gilbert   1979 *

2:08.46  Lukas Bradford  2016  Jay County Sectional Prelim

2:08.48 Adam Cairns  1997  NCC  4th

2:08.69 Darrin Hollensbe    1990  Sectional  Finals

2:08.82 Daniel Proctor  2009  v. Heritage Christian

2:08.89 Daniel Proctor  2009  v. JC

2:08.98  Jimmy Carnes   2008

2:09.11 Mitch Parmerlee    2009

2:09.21  Nathan Bowman  1993  Sect. Final

2:09.40 Daniel Proctor  2008   v. Anderson

2:09.50 Alec Hale  2015  v. Jay Co.

2:09.63 Tony Brewer     1983

2:09.84  Lukas Bradford  2014  Jay Co. Sect.  4th

2:10.03  Nick Rundell  1997 v. JC

2:10.36 Jimmy Carnes     2006

             Zach Haller       2009

2:10.62  Lukas Bradford  2016  NCC

2:10.86  Lukas Bradford  2014  Jay Co. Sect.  Prelim

2:11.12  Darrin Hollensbe  1990  Sect. Prelim

2:11.31 Cameron Ottinger  2014  Warsaw  Invit.  4th

2:11.36 David Hughes    1991

2:11.37 Dan Griffey     1995

2:11.73 Luke Crawley    1996

2:11.75 Daniel Proctor  2009  v. Anderson

2:11.85 Eric Schamp     1991

2:12.10  Spencer Gilbert  1978  v. Marion

2:12.13  Lukas Bradford  2015 Zionsville Invitational

2:12.18  Andrew Dowdle  2011

2:12.31 Mark Custer  1997  NCC  7th

2:12.64  Cullen Tyler  2013  v. Jay Co.

2:12.84 Cameron Ottinger  2012 Sect. Prelim

2:12.90  Jim Hagen   1971*

2:13.02   Nick Rundell  1995

                John Bowles     1996  Sect. Prelim

2:13.12   Scott Springman   1995

                  Cameron Ottinger  2013  Zionsville Invit.

2:13.15 Andrew Pinger   1993  Sect.

2:13.23  Dan Griffey  1994  Sect.

2:13.24  Lukas Bradford  2015 NCC

2:13.40  Jim Hagen  1970 Anderson Sect. Champ *

2:13.81 John Marshall   1989

2:13.86 Alan Westerlund   1998

2:13.96 Eric Ottinger   1988

2:14.00 Tom Parker      1979

2:14.02  Scott Springman  1995

2:14.22 Matt Bowman     1993

2:14.26 Cory Martin     1996

2:14.62 Ben Lawton      1991

2:14.90 JP Dowdle    2010

2:15.32  Andrew Dowdle  2011 NCC

2:15.36 Josh Dobbs      1990

2:15.21  Cameron Ottinger  2012  NCC

2:15.57 Lance Ottinger  1986  v. YHS

2:16.07  Lukas Bradford  2014  Warsaw Invit.

2:16.10 Jim Hagen    1970*

2:16.02 Chris Haisley   1980

2:16.26 Craig Miller    1999

2:16.27 Anthony Ellison   1995

2:16.40 Kevin Tucker   1999

2:17.60 Tony Shaw       1980

2:17.10 Drew Toivonen   1992

2:18.00 Joe Glancy      1978

2:18.03 Kelly Hiatt     1994

2:18.32 Kerry Hiatt     1994

2:18.40 Tom Parker  1978

2:18.65 Bob Weaver      1989

2:19.10 Kevin Tucker    1999

2:19.56 Scott Risk      1981

2:19.65  Lukas Bradford  2014  NCC 4th

2:19.80 Steve Porter    1979

2:20.45 Alan Hamm       1994

2:20.50 Drew Toivonen    1994

2:20.90 Jeff Stephens     1978

2:21.03 Mike Pinger     1995

2:21.25 Ryan Greene     1991

2:21.28 Brad Tucker     1992

2:21.37 Ben Moorehead     1993

2:23.26  Neil Reinke  2014  NCC 7th

2:26.50 George McCoy     1963*


100 FLY

51.07  Cullen Tyler  2015  State Prelim (16th)*

51.43  Cullen Tyler  2015  State Cons.  15th

52.02 Walker Marsh     1989 * Third State Finals

52.04  Lukas Bradford  2017  24th  IHSAA State Finals

52.10  Cullen Tyler  2014  Jay Co. Sect. Champion

52.12 Bradley Bowman   1994  State Finals  9th

52.32  Cullen Tyler  2015  Jay Co. Sect. Champion

52.36  Walker Marsh  1990  State Finals   4th

             Walker Marsh  1989 State Prelim

52.51  Lukas Bradford  2016    State Prelim (22nd)

52.52   Bradley Bowman  1994  Sect.

             Nick Rundell     1998  State Prelim

52.71  Cullen Tyler  2014  State Finals  30th

52.79  Cullen Tyler  2014  NCC Champ

53.20  Lukas Bradford  2016  Jay County Sectional Champion

53.23  Lukas Bradford  2017  Jay County Sectional Champion

53.25  Cullen Tyler  2015  NCC

53.28  Walker Marsh  1989  Richmond Sect. Champ

53.72 Mitch Parmerlee    2009

53.79 Greg Sissel      1989 State Prelim

53.80  Cullen Tyler   2014-15  Warsaw Invit.

53.82  Nick Rundell  1997  Sectional Champion  #

53.84  Cullen Tyler  2015  Jay Co. Sect. Prelim

53.86 Bradley Bowman   1993  State  17th

52.88  Nick Rundell  1998  State 13th

53.90 Tom Perrin       1968 *  State Champion & State Record

53.96  Nick Rundell  1997  State  21st

54.01  Nick Rundell  1998  Sectional Champion

54.09  Cullen Tyler  2015  v. Huntington North

54.3  Tom Perrin       1967 *  State Champion

54.41  Cullen Tyler  2014  Warsaw  Invit.  2nd

54.43  Zach Haller  2011 Sect. Prelim

54.48  Cullen Tyler  2013 Sectional Champion

54.55  Greg Sissel  1989  State Conso. 14th 

54.63  Greg Sissel  1989  2nd Richmond Sect.

54.65 Mitch Parmerlee  2009

54.76  Zach Haller 2011 Sect.

54.77 Ryan Bowman      1998

            Lukas Bradford  2016  Jay County Sectional Prelim

54.85  Cullen Tyler  2014  Jay Co. Sect. Prelim

54.97  Lukas Bradford  2017  Jay Co. Sectional Prelim

55.01 Zach Haller  2010 State Prelims

55.05  Cullen Tyler  2013  30th  IHSAA State Prelims

55.17  Nick Rundell  1998  Sect. Prelim

55.21 Mitch Parmerlee  2008

55.38  Zach Haller  2011 NCC

55.45 Zach Haller  2010 Sectional Champion

55.48  Greg Sissel  1990  Sect. Prelim

             Zach Haller  2011  v. Richmond

55.52  Gordon Heck  1997 

           Lukas Bradford  2016  NCC 2nd

55.59  Cameron Ottinger  2013  Sectional  4th

55.90 Josh Dobbs       1990

55.99 Zach Haller  2011  v. NC

56.01 Adam Fero        1990

56.06  BJ Bowman    1993  Sect. 

56.16 Zach Haller  2011  Zionsville Invit. 4th

56.17 Timmy Miller  2009

56.23 Mitch Parmerlee  2007

56.34 Mitch Parmerlee   2009

56.58  Zach Haller  2010

56.66 Matt Bowman      1993

56.68  Mitch Parmerlee  2008

56.67 Nick Rundell   1996

56.73  Carter McClure 2011 Sect. Prelim

56.88 Cullen Tyler 2013 NCC Champ

57.10 Carl Benham   1963*

57.17  Nick Rundell  1996  Sect.

57.24 Mitch Parmerlee  2009  Zionsville Invit.  2nd

57.32 Nathan Bowman    1993

            Carter McClure  2011 Sect.

57.35 Ben Lawton       1991

57.45 Jeff Bowen       1989

57.49 Mitch Parmerlee  2009  v. JC

57.55 David Hughes     1992

57.56 Scott Keyton     1991

57.70 Gary Perrin    1971

57.71 Cullen Tyler  2012  5th Sect.

57.72 Daniel Proctor  2009  v. Greenfield C.

57.75 Tony Brewer      1983

            Cullen Tyler 2013  Sect.  Prelim

57.87  Tim Miller  2008

58.05  Mitch Parmerlee   2006

58.10 Jeff Stephens    1978

58.11 Daniel Proctor  2010  v. Heritage Christian

58.13 Daniel Proctor  2009  v. PH

58.15  Cullen Tyler  2013 Zionsville Invit.

58.16  Matt Bowman  1993  Sect.

58.27 Tim Miller  2009

58.36 Cullen Tyler  2012 Sect. Prelim

58.40 Bryan Clements   1981

58.41 Carter McClure   2011  NCC

58.43  Spencer Gilbert  1978  v. Marion

58.53  Nick Rundell  1995

58.62 Daniel Proctor  2008 v. MS

            Tim Miller  2010  v. Delta

58.63 Jeremy Johns     1998

           Dorsey  2015  v. Jay Co.

58.67  Cullen Tyler  2013  v. Delta

58.69 Darrin Hollensbe   1990

            Zach Haller   2009 v. Highland

58.75 Dan Griffey      1995

58.76 Luke Crawley     1996

58.80 Joe Glancy       1977

58.93  Dan Griffey  1995

59.19 Anthony Ellison    1996

59.20 Spencer Gilbert    1979

59.36 Mike Tucker      1989

           Daniel Proctor  2010 v. MS

59.38 Daniel Proctor  2011 v. JC

59.60  Tim Miller    2008

59.65  JP Dowdle  2011  v. MS

59.76 John Marshall    1989

59.87  Sam Hanna  2024  Sect. 5th

59.90 Luke Crawley  1997 v. JC

00.30 Greg Howard      1988

00.45 Randy Rankin     2000

00.78 Sam Hiatt    2006

01.25  Zach Terrill  2016  Jay County Sectional Prelim

01.35 Andrew Payne     1994

01.52 Justin Rankin    1999

01.61 Scott Risk       1981

01.74 Craig Miller     1999

01.75  Cullen Tyler  2012  NCC

01.91 Adam Cairns      1998

02.10  Zach Terrill  2016  Jay County Sectional  8th

02.36 Scott Mansfield    1982

02.48 Brad Tucker      1992

            Mike Hughes  1986 v. YHS

           Jason Kubick   2006

02.56 Josh Jones       1995

02.44  Zach Terrill  2016  NCC

02.66  Zachary Terrill  2015  Jay Co. Sect.  11th

02.70 Carl Benham     1963*

03.23  Neil Reinke  2014  Jay Co. Sect. 10th

04.42  Zachary Terrill  2014  Jay Co. Sect. Prelim


100 BACK

52.58  Gordon Heck  1997 State Finals  9th

52.68  Tim Miller  2011 State Conso.  14th

52.75  Tim Miller  2011 State Prelims

52.80  Tim Miller 2011 Sect. Champion #@

53.20  Gordon Heck  1997 NCC   Champion / NCC Record

53.30  Gordon Heck  1997  State Prelim(10th)

53.45  Gordon Heck  1997 Sectional Champion  #@

53.85  Cullen Tyler  2014  Jay Co. Sect.  2nd

53.93  Zach Haller  2011  Sect. 2nd

53.98  Zach Haller 2011 Sect. Prelim

54.01  Zach Haller  2011 State Prelim  22nd

54.08 Zach Haller  2010  State Prelims

54.09 Zach Haller 2011 NCC Champ

                                 2011  v. JC

54.14 Timmy Miller  2009 Sect. Champ

54.19 Walker Marsh     1990 *

54.44  Gordon Heck  1996  State  15th

54.49 Zach Haller  2011  v. Richmond

54.59 Zach Haller  2010 Sectional Champion

54.60 Tim Miller  2010

54.61 Zach Haller  2011  Zionsville Invit. Champion

54.73 Timmy Miller   2009 State Prelim(19th)

54.75  Timmy Miller 2010 NCC Champ

54.91 Tim Miller  2011 NCC

54.94  Gordon Heck  1996  State Prelim

54.98 Gordon Heck  1996  Sect.  2nd

55.19  Cameron Ottinger  2015 Jay Co. Sect. 3rd

55.40  Tim Miler  2011 Sect. Prelim

55.62 Jimmy Carnes  2007

           Alec Hale  2017  Jay County Sectional 2nd

55.20  Zach Haller  2010

55.86  Walker Marsh  1989  2nd Richmond Sect.

55.91 Zach Haller  2009

56.18  Gordon Heck  1996 Sect. Prelim

            Timmy Miller  2008

56.45  Cullen Tyler  2014  NCC Champ

56.50 Zach Haller  2010  v. YHS

56.57 Alec Hale  2015  v. Huntington North

56.76  Mark Custer  1997  NCC  3rd

56.79  Alec Hale  2017  Jay Co. Sectional Prelim

56.88  Cullen Tyler  2013  NCC Champion

56.98 Timmy Miller  2009

56.60 Jimmy Carnes    2008

57.00 Jeff Stephens    1978 * State Finals 9th

57.14 David Barrett    1990

57.18 Zach Haller  2010  v. Delta

57.21 Zach Haller  2009  Zionsville Invit.  2nd

57.46 Zach Haller    2009

57.48  Jimmy Carnes    2008

57.74  Alec Hale  2015 Zionsville Invitational

57.75  Cullen Tyler  2013  Sect. Prelim

57.83  Cameron Ottinger  2014  Warsaw Invit.

57.95  Cullin Tyler  2014  Jay Co. Sect. Prelim

58.01 Jeremy Johns     1998

58.13 Daniel Proctor  2009  v. PH

58.11 Daniel Proctor  2010  v. Heritage C.

58.26 Ryan Bowman      1998

58.37  Cullen Tyler  2013  Warsaw Invit.

58.40 Daniel Proctor   2010 v. PH 2nd

58.46 Tim Miller  2008

            Tim Miller  2010  v. Richmond

58.52  Gordon Heck  1995

58.79  Cullen Tyler  2014  Warsaw Invit. 3rd

58.90 Nick Rundell     1998

58.97  Cullen Tyler 2013 NCC 2nd

59.04 Adam Fero        1990

59.30 Tim Miller  2010  v. Kokomo 2nd

59.39  Daniel Proctor  2011  v. MS

59.56  Dave Barret  1990 Sect. Prelim

59.60 Tom Parker       1979

59.61 Greg Sissel      1989

59.63 Nick Rundell   1997 v. JC

59.80 Cullen Tyler  2012  3rd Sect.

59.90 Mike Abrell   1965*

00.06 Randy Rankin     2000

00.10 Kelly Hiatt      1994

00.30 Darrin Hollensbe   1990

00.38 Nick Rundell     1995

00.44 Jeff Stephens    1977

00.51 Anthony Ellison    1995

00.55  Jeff Stephens  1978

             Dan Griffey      1995

00.65 Bradley Bowman   1993

00.79  Darrin Hollensbe  1990  Sect. Prelim

01.11 Daniel Proctor  2011  v. Heritage C.

01.13 Brad Tucker      1993

01.40  Mike Abrell   1965

01.54  Cullen Tyler  2013  Zionsville Invit.

01.56  Cory Martin      1995

01.57 Cullen Tyler  2012  Sect. Prelim

          Raekwon Dorsey  2015  Jay Co. Sect. 6th

01.70 Lance Ottinger   1986

01.72 Alan Westerlund    1998

01.86 Greg Rivers      1998

02.47 Randy Rankin     1999

02.67 Andy Dugan       1994

02.50  Lance Ottinger  1986   v. YHS

02.78 Nathan Bowman    1993

03.18 Like Crawley     1995

03.24  Neil Spotts  2013 Sectional  4th

03.38 Tony Shaw        1980

03.46  Cullen Tyler  2012  NCC

03.50 Mark Kishel      1990

03.59 Scott Springman    1995

04.03 Mike Pinger      1994

04.04 Ben Lawton       1991

04.50 Steve Porter     1979

04.58 Evan Witte       1999

04.82 Dan Leaird       1982

05.91 Adam Cairns      1996

05.78 John Bowles      1995

05.86 Tony Brewer      1980

06.18  Brock McCoy  2016  Jay County Sectional  14th

06.69  Xavier Beaty  2024  Sect. 11th




58.38  Cullen Tyler  2015  State Prelim (15th)*

59.06  Cullen Tyler  2015  State Cons. 16th

59.38   Adam Cairns    1998 State Finals 5th*

59.39  Daniel Proctor  2009 State Prelim

59.41  Daniel Proctor  2011 State Prelim (18th)

59.52  Daniel Proctor  2009 State Conso(14th)

59.79  Adam Cairns  1998  State Prelims

1:00.18  Daniel Proctor  2010 State Prelims

1:00.21 Adam Cairns    1997 *

1:00.54 Daniel Proctor  2009  Jay County Sectional Champion #

1:00.83  Cullen Tyler  2014-15  Warsaw Invit. Champion

1:00.87 Daniel Proctor  2010 Jay County Sectional Champion 

1:00.90 Daniel Proctor  2010  NCC Champ

1:00.99  Nathan Bowman   1993 *  State Finals  8th

1:00.97  Daniel Proctor 2011 Jay County Sectional Champion

1:01.08 Ryan Greene    1992 *  State Finals 13th

1:01.10  Cullen Tyler  2015  Jay Co. Sect. Champion

1:01.16  Cullen Tyler  2015  NCC Champion

1:01.21 John Marshall     1989  State Prelim *

1:01.23  Cullen Tyler  2015  vs. Marion

1:01.24  Cameron Ottinger  2013 Jay County Sectional Champion

1:01.27  Nathan Bowman  1992  State Finals 14th

1:01.50 Daniel Proctor  2009

1:01.68  John Marshall  1989   Richmond Sectional  Champion #  *

1:01.77 Daniel Proctor  2008

               Cameron Ottinger  28th  IHSAA State

1:01.84  Daniel Proctor  2008  NCC Champ

1:01.85 John Marshall 1989 State Conso 14th

1:01.89  Cameron Ottinger  2014  Jay Co. Sect. Champion

1:02.00  Cullen Tyler  2015 Jay Co. Sect. Prelim

1:02.05 Daniel Proctor 2011 NCC Champ

1:02.06 Daniel Proctor  2010 v. Delta

1:02.12 Spencer Gilbert    1979 *

               Nathan Bowman  1992  Sect.  2nd

1:02.16 Daniel Proctor  2010 Jay County Sectional Prelim

1:02.19  Spencer Gilbert  1979  State Prelims

1:02.28 Daniel Proctor  2010  v. YHS

1:02.33  Spencer Gilbert  1979  State Finals  7th

1:02.50  Ryan Greene  1992  Sect. 3rd

1:02.56 Daniel Proctor  2010  v. Heritage C.

1:02.57  Adam Cairns    1998 Sect. Prelims

              Cameron Ottinger  2014  State Finals  32nd

1:02.59 Daniel Proctor  2009 Zionsville Invit. Champion

1:02.74 Daniel Proctor  2010  v. Anderson / Kokomo

1:02.89  Cameron Ottinger  2014  NCC Champ

1:03.06 Daniel Proctor  2011 Zionsville Invit. 2nd

1:03.31  Nathan Bowman  1993  Sect.

1:03.33  Adam Cairns  1998 Jay County Sectional Champion

                Daniel Proctor 2011 Jay County Sectional Prelim

1:03.35 Daniel Proctor  2011  v. Delta

1:03.46 Daniel Proctor  2011  v. Richmond

1:03.54  Adam Cairns  1997  NCC  3rd

1:03.64 Cameron Ottinger  2012  Sect. Champion

1:03.91 Adam Cairns  1997  v. JC

1:03.96 Adam Cairns  1996 Sect 2nd

1:04.06  Cameron Ottinger  2013 Jay County Sectional Prelim

1:04.10 Derek Richard  2007

1:04.13 Daniel Proctor  2008 v. Highland 2nd

1:04.20 Daniel Proctor  2009 v. NC

1:04.30 Joe Glancy     1979

               Cameron Ottinger  2012 Jay County Sectional Prelim

1:04.45 Daniel Proctor  2008 v. Greenfield C.

1:04.47 Daniel Proctor  2008  v. Heritage C.

1:04.51 Spence Gilbert   1978

1:04.57  Adam Cairns  1995

                Daniel Proctor  2008  v. MS

1:04.63 Daniel Proctor v. Marion

1:04.80  Cameron Ottinger  2012  State Prelim

1:04.87 Daniel Proctor  2011  v. JC

1:04.96  Adam Cairns  1995

1:04.99  Cameron Ottinger  2014  Jay Co. Sect. Prelim

1:05.10 Steve Porter   1979

1:05.21  Adam Cairns  1996 Sect. Prelim

1:05.38 Matt Bowman   1993  Sect.

1:05.47 Daniel Proctor  2008 v. Hunt.

1:05.61  Cameron Ottinger  2013 Zionsville Invit.

1:05.68  Cameron Ottinger  2014  Warsaw  Invit.  5th

1:05.78 Daniel Proctor  2008 v. Anderson

1;05.93  Eric Redield  2024  Sect. 5th

1:06.10 Kevin Tucker   2000

1:06.06  Andrew Pinger    1993  Sect. Prelim

1:06.28 Michael Pinger   1995

1:06.47  Nathan Bowman  1990  Sect. Prelim

1:06.51 Kevin Tucker     1999

1:06.55  Zach Terrill  2016  Jay County Sectional  6th

1:06.62 Mike Smitson     1989

               Daniel Proctor   2008  v. NC

1:06.64 Gordon Heck    1997

1:06.75  Zach Terrill  2016  Jay County Sectional Prelim

1:06.80 Brian Carnes     1999

1:07.17 Scott Springman   1995 

1:07.28 Eric Schamp     1991

1:07.29 Devon Hill  2009 v. MS

1:07.39 Kevin Tucker    1999

1:07.53  Cameron Ottinger  2012  NCC

1:07.75 Cory Martin     1996

1:08.10 Steve Porter  1978

1:08.06 Josh Jones      1995

1:08.26  Ryan Robertson  1997  NCC

1:08.27 Dan Griffey    1995

1:08.29 Chad McCauley    1991

1:08.32  Derrick Richard    2006

               Austin Tyler    2007

1:08.34 Ryan Robertson   1994

1:08.50  Chase Clasby  2015  Jay Co. Sect. Prelim

1:08.53 Cory Martin    1996

1:08.62  Chase Clasby  2014  Jay Co. Sect.  5th

1:08.64 JP Dowdle  2010  v. Richmond  2nd

1:08.72  Michael Smitson  1990 Sect. Prelim

1:08.83 Adam Fero      1989  v. JC

1:09.01 Zach Haller  2010  v. MS

1:09.03  Chase Clasby  2015  Jay Co. Sect.  8th

1:09.08  Zachary Terrill  2015  Jay Co. Sect. 10th

1:09.09 Jim Weaver     1983

1:09.12 Greg Sissel     1989

1:09.23  Zachary Terrill  2015  Jay Co. Sect. Prelim

1:09.41  Andrew Dowdle  2013  v. Jay Co.

1:09.47  Zachary Terrill  2014  Jay Co. Sect. Prelim

1:09.48  Andrew Dowdle  2013 Warsaw Invit.

1:09.60 Dave Witty     1986

1:09.63 Bob Weaver     1989

1:09.90 John Bowles    1996

1:09.98 John Weakland    1988

1:10.0 Robert Morgan     1963*

             Mitch Parmerlee   2009  v. Anderson

1:10.04 Eric Ottinger    1988

1:10.09  Zachary Terrill  2014  Jay Co. Sect.  7th

1:10.11 Marcus Dial    1999

1:10.41 Caleb Lattimer  2010

1:10.43  Chase Clasby  2014  NCC 5th

1:10.48 Dylan Rowe    2008

1:10.98 Austin Tyler  2006

1:11.82  Zach Terrill  2016  NCC

1:11.04  Steve Mahon  2011 Sect.

1:11.21 George Helton    1997

1:11.28 Dylan Rowe    2009

1:11.35  Caleb Lattimer  2010

1:11.43 B.J. Bowman    1994

1:11.60 Scott Risk     1979

            Caleb Lattimer  2010

1:11.65  Cullen Tyler  2013  v. South

1:11.77  Chase Clasby  2013 Sectional  7th

1:11.87 JP Dowdle  2011  v. NC

1:11.89 Jonas Niklasson    1984

1:11.90 Drew Toivonen    1993

               Andre Darger     1978



1:36.20 T.Miller, D.Proctor, M. Parmerlee, D. Hill    2009* State Prelim

1:36.41 T.Miller, D.Proctor, M.Parmerlee, D.Hill      2009 State Finals(6th)  

1:37.97  C. Ottinger, C. Tyler, L. Bradford, A. Hale  2015  State Prelim (16th)

1:38.22  T. Miller, D. Proctor, Z. Haller, C. McClure  2011 State Prelim

1:38.35 J.Johns, A.Cairns, N. Rundell, R. Bowman       1998 * State( 6th)       

1:38.47  T. Miller, D. Proctor, Z. Haller, C. McClure  2011 State Conso.(14th)

1:38.51 J.Johns, A.Cairns, N.Rundel, R.Bowman            1998 * State Prelim 

1:38.68  Z.Haller, D. Proctor, M. Parmerlee, D. Hill    2009 #@        

1:38.83 W.Marsh, J.Marshall, Greg Sissel, P. Samuels   1989  3rd State Finals *

1:38.91  T. Miller, D. Proctor, Z. Haller, C. McClure  2011 Sect. Champs

1:38.92  Marsh, Marshall, Samuels, Sissel  1989 State Prelims

1:38.96  C. Ottinger, C. Tyler, L. Bradford, A. Hale  2015  State Conso.  15th

1:38.97  A. Hale, C. Ottinger, C. Tyler, A. Dowdle  2014  Jay Co. Sect. Champions

1:39.21 G. Heck, A. Cairns, M.Custer, L. Crawley       1998

1:39.25 T. Miller, D. Proctor, M. Parmlerlee, D. Hill    2008  # / State 11th

1:39.44  C.Ottinger, C.Tyler,L. Bradford,A.Hale  2015 Jay Co. Sect. Champs

1:39.57  T. Miller, D. Proctor, Z. Haller, JP Dowdle  2010  State Prelims(18th)

1:39.61  A.. Hale,C.Ottinger,C.Tyler,A.Dowdle  2014 State Finals  25th

1:39.72  W. Marsh, J. Marshall, Sammuels, Sissel  1989 Richmond Sect. Champs *

1:40.18 B. Bowman, R. Greene, D. Hughes, N. Bowman     1992  State Conso.

1:40.29 Carnes, Richard, Parmerlee, Hill    2007

1:40.47 Johns, Cairns, Rundell, Bowman  1998  #  Sectional Champions

1:40.49 Heck, Cairns, Ellison, Pinger           1996

1:40.56  Cairns,Crawley, Custer, Heck  1997  NCC Champions

1:40.59 Miller,Proctor,Haller,Parks  2011 NCC Champs

1:40.84  Hale, Terrill, Bradford, Clasby  2016  Jay County Sectional Champions

1:40.98 Miller, Proctor, Haller, Parks  2010  Sectional Champions

1:41.01  Heck, Cairns, Ellison, Pinger  1996  State  15th

1:41.03  Miller, Proctor, Haller, Parks  2011  v. YHS

1:41.14  Ottinger, Dowdle, Tyler, Carmichael  2013 Sectional Champions

1:41.16 Miller, Proctor, Haller, Parks  2010  NCC Champs

1:41.18 miller, Proctor, Haller, Dowdle  2010  v. YHS

1:41.20 Miller, Proctor, Haller, Rowe        2009

1:41.25  BJ Bowman, N. Bowman, Toivionen, Hughes  1992 Sect.

1:41.28  Heck, Cairns, Rundell, Crawley  1997  v. JC

1:41.31  Hale, Ottinger, Tyler, Dowdle  2014  NCC Champs

1:41.43 Haller, Proctor, Parmerlee, Hill  2009 Zionsville Invit. Champs

1:41.55 Miller, Proctor, Haller, Parks  2011  v. Richmond

1:41.72  Johns, Carins, Rundell, Bowman  1998  Sect. Prelim

1:41.82 D. Barrett, N. Bowman, J. Dobbs, P. Samuels    1990

1:41.85  T. Miller,D.Proctor,M.Parmerlee,D.Hill  2008  NCC Champ

1:41.86 G. Heck, A. Cairns, A. Ellison, M. Pinger      1996

1:41.88 G. Heck, A. Cairns, N. Rundell, M. Pinger      1995

                Cairns, Crawley, Custer, Heck  1997  Sect. Prelim

1:42.14 C. Ottinger, C. Tyler, L. Bradford, A. Hale  2015  Sect. Prelim

1:42.26  C. Ottinger, A.Dowdle,Tyler,Carmichael  30th IHSAA State Prelim

1:42.27  C.Ottinger, C.Tyler, L. Bradford, A.Hale  2014-15  Warsaw Invit.

1:42.46 B. Bowman, N. Bowman, M. Bowman, D. Toivonen     1993

1:42.57 Miller, Proctor, Haller, Parks  2011  Zionsville Invit.  3rd

1:42.62 Heck, Cairns, Pinger, Ellison    1996  Sect. Champ

1:43.16 Miller, Proctor, Parmerlee, Hill  2009 v. JC

1:43.26 C. Ottinger,A. Dowdle,C. Tyler,M. Jones  2012 Sect. Champions

1:43.28 Heck, Cairns, Crawley, Pinger                1996

1:43.35 Miller, Proctor, Parmerlee, Hill   2008  v. YHS

1:43.36 G. Sissel, J. Marshall,W. Marsh, A. Fero       1988

1:43.39 D. Barrett, J. Marshall, J. Bowen, P. Samuels    1989

1:43.73  A. Hale, C.Tyler, L.Bradford, C. Tinder  2015  NCC Champs

1:43.87 G.Sissel, J. Marshall, J.Bowen, P. Samuels     1989

1:44.41 G. Heck, A. Cairns, N. Rundell, M. Pinger      1995

1:44.50 Miller, Proctor, Haller, Dowdle  2010  v. Richmond

1:44.88  Miller, Proctor, Haller, Parks  2010  v. Heritage C.

1:44.93  Hale, Ottinger, Tyler, Dowdle  2014  Warsaw  Invit.  3rd

1:44.95 Heck, Cairns, Ellison, M. Pinger             1996

1:45.12 Ottinger, A. Dowdle, Tyler, Carmichael  2013 NCC Champs

1:45.29 B. Tucker, R. Greene, B. Lawton, N. Bowman     1991

1:45.32  Hale, Terrill, Bradford, Clasby  2016  NCC  3rd

              Hale, Terrill, Bradford, Clasby  2016   Jay County Sectional Prelim

1:45.35  Ottinger, A. Dowdle,Tyler,Mason  2012 State Prelim

1:45.52 R.Rankin, M. Dial, K. Tucker, E. Witte               2000

1:45.83 D. Barrett, N. Bowman, J. Dobbs, P. Samuels    1990

1:45.91 Heck, Carins, Rundell, Jones                   1995

1:46.14 Rankin, Carnes, Tucker, Taylor         1999

1:46.17 G Sissel, M. Smitson, A. Fero, P. Samuels      1990

1:46.22  C. Ottinger, A. Dowdle, Tyler, Jacob Carmichael 2013 Sect Prelim

1:46.29 D.Barrett, N. Bowman, J. Dobbs, M. Smitson     1990

1:46.30 Parker, Gilbert, Porter, Glancy                1978

1:46.38 Kelly Hiatt, Josh Jones, B. Bowman, Toivonen     1994

1:46.54 Miller, Proctor, Haller, Parmerlee   2009  v. Anderson

1:46.55 Martin, Cairns, Rundell, Pinger                1995

1:46.58 B. Tucker, M. Bowman, B. Bowman, D. Toivonen    1993

1:46.68  Barret, Bowman, Dobbs, Sammuels  1990 Sect. Prelim

1:46.90 Sissel, Marshall, J. Bowen, M. Tucker          1988

1:46.90 Stephens, Gilbert, Hole, Glancy                1978

1:47.05 Marsh, Marshall, Ma, Leffler                   1989

1:47.12 Barrett, Greene, Sissel, Samuels               1990

1:47.22 Sissel, Marshall, J. Bowen, Fero               1988

1:47.35 Heck, Cairns, Ellison, Crawley                 1996

1:47.55 B. Bowman, Josh Jones, Luke Crawley, Toivonen    1994

1:47.56  Lovell, Redfield, Hanna, Michalini  2024  Sect. 3rd 

1:47.70  Lawerence, Hughlett, Perrin, Gudgel      1967*

1:47.75 Ellison, Cairns, Kallen, Pinger                1995

1:47.78 Fero, N. Bowman, Dobbs, Samuels                1990

1:47.97 Barrett, Greene, Dobbs, Smitson                1990

1:47.91 Heck, Pinger Crawley, Jones                    1995

1:48.06 Ellison, Cairns, Rundell, Pinger               1995

1:48.29 S.Hiatt,Golden, Jackson,Walker     2004

1:48.38 KelHiatt, M.Pinger, Crawley, Toivonen          1994

1:48.46  Ottinger, Dowdle, Tyler, Carmichael  2013  v. Delta

1:48.56  Ottinger, Dowdle, Tyler. Carmichael  2013  Zionsville Invit.

1:48.58 Sissel, Fero, Bowman, Dobbs                    1990

1:48.86 Martin, Springman, Crawley, Jones              1995

1:48.89 Marsh, McCauley, J. Bowen, M. Tucker           1989

1:48.94 Dar. Hollensbe, Marshall, J. Bowen, Dobbs      1990

1:48.99  Ottinger, Dowdle, Tyler, Carmichael  2013  v. Jay Co.

1:49.04 B. Bowman, Jones, Ellison, Griffey             1994

1:49.16 Ellison, Martin, Rundell, Pinger               1996

1:49.17 Dar Hollensbe, Smitson, Sissel, Dobbs          1990

1:49.23 Martin, Springman, Jones, Pinger               1995

1:49.33 Heck, Cairns, Payne, Pinger                    1995

1:49.47 M. Hughes, E. Ottinger, Howard, M. Tucker      1988

1:49.55 Ellison, Springman, Kallen, Jones              1995

1:49.64 M. Kishel, Smitson, Dar Hollensbe, Fero        1990

1:49.68 Kel Hiatt, Jones, Crawley, Toivonen            1994

1:49.90 Stephens, Glancy, Hole, Shaw                   1977

1:49.91  C.Ottinger,A.Dowdle,C.Tyler,M.Jones  2012  NCC

1:49.97 Sissel, McCauley, Ma, Samuels                  1989

1:53.63  Hale, Terrill, Bradford, Clasby   2016  Zionsville Invitational

1:52.91 Ramsey, Morgan, Benham, Jack               1963*



1:28.05 D.Proctor, D.Rowe, M.Parmerlee, D.Hill    2009 State Prelim                                      

1:28.44 K. Kerrigan, Beasley, Hill, Coombes    2006

1:28.64 D.Proctor, D.Rowe, M.Parmerlee, D.Hill   2009 State Conso(15th)

1:28.75  D. Proctor, D. Rowe, M.Parmerlee, D. Hill 1:28.75    2009 #@        

1:28.84 L. Crawley, M. Pinger, D. Griffey, J. Jones ** 1995  State Prelim

1:29.03 B. Bowman, R. Greene, N. Bowman, D. Hughes  ** 1992  State  Conso.

1:29.07  C.Ottinger, C.Tyler, A. Hale, A. Dowdle  2014  State Finals  23rd

1:29.09  Crawley, Pinger, Griffey, Jones  1995  State Finals  9th

1:29.11  D. Hughes, A. Fero, N. Bowman, C. Miller  1991 State Prelims

1:29.21 D. Hughes, A. Fero. N. Bowman, C. Miller    ** 1991  8th in State

1:29.52  C. Ottinger, C. Tyler, A. Hale, A. Dowdle  2014  Jay Co. Sect. Champions

1:29.70   B.Bowman, Luke Crawley, Dan Griffey,Josh Jones   1994  State   12th

                 D. Proctor, C. Koontz, M. Parmerlee, D. Hill   2008

1:30.37 Fero, N.Bowman, Miller, Hughes     ** 1991  Richmond Sect. Champs

1:30.67 Koontz, Johnson, Parmerlee,Hill    2007

1:30.68 N. Bowman, D.Toivonen, Matt Bowman, B. Bowman    1993

1:30.87 B. Bowman, L. Crawley, D. Griffey, J. Jones     1994

1:30.98  Rowe, Haller, Parmerlee, Hill         2009

                  Ottinger, Tyler, Carmichael, Dowdle  2013 Sectional Champions

1:30.99  Tyler, Ottinger, Hale, Dowdle  2014  NCC  Champs

1:31.16 Crawley, M.Pinger, Griffey, Jones              1995

1:31.28 B. Bowman, D. Macedo, N. Bowman, D. Hughes     1992 

               BJ Bowman, N. Bowman, Toivionen, Hughes  1992 Sect.

1:31.31  D. Hill, D. Rowe, M. Parmerlee, D. Proctor  2008  Hall of Fame Championship 2nd

1:31.91 B. Bowman, D. Toivonen, M. Bowman, N. Bowman    1993

1:31.92 C.Koontz,D.Rowe,M.Parmerlee,D.Hill  2008 NCC Champs

1:31.94  Hill, Rowe, Parmerlee, Proctor  2009  Zionsville Invit. Champs

1:32.02  C. Ottinger, C. Tyler, J. Carmichael,A. Dowdle  31st IHSAA State

1:32.11  C. McClure,A. Dowdle,JP Dowdle,A. Parks  2011

1:32.56 Rundell, Crawley, Pinger, Kallen    1996

1:32.62 Crawley, Kallen, Rundell, Pinger               1996  Sect.  2nd

1:32.86 Crawley, Rundell, Kallen, Pinger               1996

1:33.23 Proctor,Hill,Parmerlee,Koontz  2008  v. NC

1:33.66 Ottinger, Tyler, A. Dowdle, Carmichael  2013 NCC Champs

1:33.79 Haller, Proctor, Miller, Dowdle  2010  v. YHS

1:33.93 B. Bowman, D. Toivonen, N. Bowman, J. Jones    1993

1:33.85 Crawley, Jones, Toivonen, B. Bowman            1994

1:33.94 B. Bowman, Crawley, Toivonen, Jones            1994

1:34.03  C. Ottinger, Tyler,J. Carmichael, A. Dowdle  2013 Sect. Prelim

1:34.09  C. Tyler,C. Ottinger,A. Dowdle,M. Jones  2012  2nd Sect.

1:34.33 Miller, Murray, Witte, Taylor                  1999

1:34.62 Griffey, Pinger, Crawley, Jones                1995

1:34.93 Toivonen, Kel Hiatt, A. Hamm, B. Bowman        1994

1:34.98 Kerrigan, S. Hill, Beaseley, Coombes    2005

1:34.99 Crawley, Rundell, Griffey, Jones               1995

1:34.96 Parks, A. Dowdle,McClure,JP Dowdle  2011 NCC

1:35.00 Jones, Crawley, Ellison, Griffey               1994

1:35.18 K. Tucker, S. Murray, B. Scherrer,  E. Witte   2000

1:35.58 Rundell, Kallen, Pinger, Crawley         12/1995

1:35.69 L. Crawley, A. Ellison, D. Griffey, J. Jones   1994 Sect. Prelim

1:35.99  Ottinger, Tyler, Carmicael, Dowdle  2013  Zionsville Invit.

1:36.06 Crawley, Ellison, Kallen, Pinger             1/1996

1:36.10 Crawley, Hagans, Rundell, Pinger               1996

1:36.10 Rundell, Kallen, Ellison, Crawley              1996

1:36.37 Kallen, Echelbarger, Hagans, Crawley         1/1996

1:36.55  Jones,Tyler,Ottinger,Dowdle  2012  NCC

1:36.61  C. Clasby, C. Bailey, R. Dorsey, C. Tinder  2015 Jay Co. Sect. 5th

1:37.07 Miller, McClure, Proctor, JP Dowdle  2010  v. Heritage C.

1:37.16 Heck, Martin, Taylor, Pinger                 1/1996

1:37.21  Ottinger, Tyler, Carmicael, Dowdle  2013  v. Jay Co.

1:37.93 Rundell, Ellison, Kallen, Crawley              1996

1:38.22 Callen, Taylor, Hagans, Crawley    1997  v. JC

1:38.34 Ker Hiatt, M. Pinger, Ellison, Griffey         1994

1:38.73 Crawley, Kallen, Fillmann, Pinger              1996

1:39.08 Pinger, Bowles, Kallen, Rundell                1996

1:39.90 Crawley, Echelbarger, Hagans, Heck             1996

1:40.60 Huffman, Teters, Jack, McCoy                1963*

1:40.93 Parks, McNely,Carmicahel, McClure    2010



3:13.71 J. Dobbs, A. Fero, P. Samuels, G. Sissel    **1990  State Prelim

3:14.35  Sissel, Dobbs, Sammuels, Fero  1990 State Finals  6th

3:16.31 K. Kerrigan, L. Beasley, D. Hill, R. Coombes     2006 (Sect)

3:17.31 N. Rundell, C. Taylor, A.Cairns, R. Bowman     1998 State Prelims

3:17.79 A.Hale, C. Tinder, L.Bradford, J.Clasby  2016  Jay County Sectional  2nd

3:17.91  Sissel, Dobbs, Sammuels, Fero  1990 Sect. Champions *

3:18.15 Sissel, Tucker, Samuels, Fero               ** 1989  State 11th

3:19.16  Crawley, Hagens, Rundell, Heck  1997  Sect. Champions*

3:19.38 Parmerlee, Dowdle, Proctor, Hill     2009

3:19.49  A. Hale, C. Tinder, L. Bradford, C. Tyler  2015  Jay Co. Sect. 2nd

3:20.07  JP Dowdle, Z. Haller, T. Miller, D. Proctor  2011  Sect. Champions

3:20.17 T. Miller, JP Dowdle, Z. Haller, D. Proctor  2010 State Prelims (26)

3:20.20  Kerrigan, Beaseley, Hill, Coombes    2006

3:20.25  C. Koontz, J. Carnes, D. Proctor, D. Hill    2008 NCC Champs

 3:20.74 Samuels, Tucker, Sissel, Fero               ** 1989 Richmond Sect. Champs

3:21.38 JP Dowdle,Haller, Miller,Proctor  2011  NCC

3:21.83 D. Hughes, Lawton, Miller, Fero    1991  State Prelim  18th

3:22.86  Dowdle, Haller, Miller, Proctor  2010  NCC  2nd

3:23.23 Griffey, Heck, Crawley, Jones                  1995

3:23.31  Rundell, Taylor, Cairns, Bowman        1998       State  15th

3:24.07 Sissel, D. Hughes, Samuels, Fero               1991

3:24.29  A.Hale, C.Tinder, L.Bradford, C.Tyler  2015  NCC  Champions

3:24.12 Proctor, Koontz, Carnes, Hill   2008  v. YHS

3:24.19 Rundell, Kallen, Crawley, Heck               1996  Sect.  3rd

3:24.36 Dowdle, Haller, Miller, Proctor  2010  Sectional Champions

3:24.65 JP Dowdle, T. Miller, Z.Haller, D.Rowe   2009 Sectional Champions

3:24.91  Rundell, Taylor, Cairns, Bowman  1998  Sectional Champions

3:24.95  D. Hughes, A. Fero, C. Miller, B. Lawton  1991  Richmond sectional 2nd

3:25.36 Toivonen, Crawley, Jones, B. Bowman            1994

3:25.88 C. Koontz, D. Rowe, T. Miller, J. Carnes    2008

3:26.67 Samuels, Dar Hollensbe, M. Tucker, Fero        1989

3:26.83  Clasby, Tinder, Bradford, Hale     2016    NCC 2nd

3:26.87  Hale, Tinder, Braford, Clasby  2016  Jay County Sectional Prelim

3:26.98 Sissel, Dobbs, D. Hughes, Fero                 1991

3:27.40 Sissel, Dobbs, Samuels, Fero                   1991

3:27.47 JP Dowdle, T.Miller, Z.Haller, D.Rowe     2009 State Prelim(31st):

3:27.66 Fero, J. Marshall, M. Tucker, W. Marsh      ** 1089

3:28.42 B. Bowman, D. DeKeyser, Samuels, Fero          1991

3:28.65 M Tucker, G. Howard, M. Hughes, E. Ottinger ** 1988  Richmond Sect. 3rd

3:29.17 Hill, Koontz, Carnes, Proctor    2088  v. Greenfield C.

3:29.41 Kerrigan, Beaseley, Carnes, Coombes    2005

3:29.50 Hinshaw, Hagen, G. Perrin, Mallon     1971**

3:29.54 Fero, Dobbs, Dar Hollensbe, Barrett            1990

3:29.70 Hagan, Perrin, Mallon, Hinshaw              * 1971

3:29.81 Taylor, Witte, Rankin, Miller                     1999

3:30.29  Hale, Rogers, Bradford, McCoy  2017 Jay Co. Sectional 2nd

3:30.42 Griffey, Rundell, Bowles, Crawley              1995

3:31.50  Hagen, Mallon, Perrin, Hinshaw    1971 Anderson Sect. Champs *

3:31.82 Rundell, Bowles, Kallen, Heck                  1996

3:31.96 Rundell, Bowles, Crawley, Heck                 1996

3:32.32 M. Tucker, A. Ma, J. Leffler, W. Marsh         1989  v. JC

3:32.41 Marshall, Sissel, Samuels. Fero                1989

3:32.48 Gilbert, Haisley, Glancy, Parker               1979

3:32.85 Toivonen, A. Ellison, KerHiatt, Crawley        1994

3:33.07 Koontz, Rowe, Tyler,Johnson    2007

3:33.32 Sissel, D. DeKeyser, N.Bowman, Dobbs           1990

3:33.32 A. Stokes, Ker Hiatt, D. Toivonen, D. Macedo     1992

3:33.57 JP Dowdle, Miller, Haller, Proctor  2011  v. YHS

3:33.77 Jackson, Wulff,B. Coers, Coombes    2004

3:33.84 Dobbs, Sissel, Hughes, Fero                    1990

3:33.89 Fero, Ma, M. Tucker, Marsh                     1989

3:34.09 Dowdle, Rowe, Haller, Miller    2009  Zionsville Invit.  3rd

3:34.27 Samuels, Dobbs, Keyton, Fero                   1989

3:34.29 Samuels, Darin Hollensbe, M. Tucker, Fero        1989

3:34.58 Rundell, Griffey, Crawley, Heck                1995

3:34.50 Heck, Rundell, Griffey, Jones                  1995

3:34.60 Heck, Crawley, Griffey, Jones                  1995

3:34.93 G. Howard, M. Hughes, E. Ottinger, M. Tucker   1988

3:34.79 Keyton, Samuels, D. Barrett, Fero              1990

3:35.19  Hailsley,Irving, Parker Shaw  1978  Connersville Sect.  2nd

3:35.40 Maryan, Eley, Perrin, Mallon     1970*

3:35.49 Sissel, Samuels, N. Bowman, D. Hughes          1990

3:35.53 Heck, Custer, Crawley, Cairns  1997  v. JC

3:35.64 M. Tucker, Sissel, Samuels, Marsh              1989

3:35.65 Pinger, Rundell, Crawley, Heck                 1996

3:35.75  Hale, Rogers, Bradford, McCoy   2017  Jay Co. Sectional Prelim

3:35.87 Marsh, Marshall, Dar Hollensbe, Fero           1989

3:36.02 Brewer, Wickcliffe,Leaird, Risk                1982

3:36.11 Crawlley, Rundell, Ellison, Griffey            1995

3:36.30 Irving, Hole, Haisley, Gilbert                 1976

3:37.00 Clements, Brewer, Shaw, Haisley                1980

3:37.01  B. McCoy, C. Tinder, L. Bradford, A. Hale  2015  Jay Co. Sect. Prelim

3:37.10 Brewer Shaw,Clements, Haisley                  1980

3:37.28 B. Scherrer, S. Murray, M. Dial, R. Rankin     2000

3:37.90 Mallon, Maryan, Eley, G. Perrin  1970  Anderson Sect. Champs *

3:37.92 L.Beasley, G. Walker, S. Jackson, Golden    2003

3:37.94 J. Jones, A. Hamm, Kel Hiatt, Ker Hiatt